Sock Wars - Weapon of Choice

I've amassed my artillery (i.e. needles and yarn) for the Sock Wars slated to begin on the 22nd. I was a bit put off at first of the needle size (US5) and yarn gauge (DK), and I'm still a bit confused as to how I'm going to get a pair of socks from 50g of yarn, but I have accepted the Monkey's terms and will go bravely into sock knitting battle. It probably won't be a long battle, but it will certainly be interesting.
Also, I've cast on for a pair of Hedera in wildefoot sock because I wanted me some pink lacy socks. Sweet, no?

Love the blue yarn...crossing my fingers that you get some awesome STR (in the thicker yarn) for your return socks...woudn't that be great? Those lace socks are to DIE for! I'll have to try that pattern next...after I finish these other 3 pairs I'm in the middle of...ugh! Too many UFOs!
You know... I moved up to 6's, and I'm still getting 6 st to the inch.
Gina can cross her fingers for the STR, but I'm going to try to be realistic and cross my fingers that I don't get plastic socks. I'm done being nice to people who inform me that acrylic is perfectly fine to use on socks. Socks. That go on your feet. Which sweat.
I'll see how many opponents I can shame into giving up. Hell, I'll buy myself a drink if I can make some cry.
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